Udemy – Using an Email Account to Maximize Sales & Decrease Costs [100% OFF]

Using an Email Account to Maximize Sales & Decrease Costs

Course Description

The chances are that you have an email account something like JohnBien2012@yahoo.com or Bill20718@hotmail.com or madhatter25@gmail.com.  These work fine, but they don’t do squat to help you increase your bottom line.  In this brief class, you’ll discover how to cost-effectively create email accounts that will maximize sales and decrease your costs.

Why will you increase your sales? Prospects trust an account like esupport@monbed.com better than they trust an account like ahjordan2support@gmail.com. It just sounds professional.

Why will you decrease your costs?  Here are four of the reasons. Take this brief course and see how many more reasons you can find. Then, share them with us in Your Project.

  • You’ll save time and effort creating accounts,and time is money
  • You’ll have better control over your email accounts, particularly ones that a contractor or employee uses on your behalf.
  • You’ll be able to quickly and easily update passwords
  • You’ll be able to collect responses to emails from various sources in one place, and analyze the responses. This empowers you to make cost-effective changes in your marketing and customer service efforts.


Udemy Coupon Codehttps://www.udemy.com/using-an-email-account-to-maximize-sales-decrease-costs/?couponCode=IWILLREVIEW0




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