Udemy – Music Pedagogy: 7 advices to teach a musical instrument [100% off]

Music Pedagogy: 7 advices to teach a musical instrument

Course Description

This course is dedicated to any musician, amateur or professional who wants to improve his instrumental teaching.

Teaching a musical instrument can be difficult specially at the beginning because of the lack a tools, but if you learn strategies and a deeper understanding of how students learn, you definitely will stop struggling and improve your daily teaching.

This course is structured in 7 days (lessons) / 7 advices to improve your teaching, some of the topics included are :

  • Class activities for kids
  • Teaching adults
  • What to teach?
  • The teacher, the student and the learning environment.
  • Effective learning

 Join this course today and enhance your teaching, enjoy your class and make an impact on your student´s lives.


Udemy Coupon Codehttps://www.udemy.com/music-pedagogy/?couponCode=FREEFEB28




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