Udemy – Let’s Tame The English Grammar Together [100% off]
Does English Grammar seem to be a total chaos?
Would you like to improve you English grammar skills but you have enough of the boring learning?
Look at this!
I am Annamária Ibos and my superpower is that I explain every tiny bit of English grammar terribly simply and understandable.
Why is it important?
Because everybody hates learning grammar. Grammar is like a super-villain, most of the English language learners are horrified from it and thinks about it as an unnecessary bad.
However, English grammar is NOT kryptonite, don’t let it absorb you energy!
I have created this course specially for those who
- has just started to learn the most important and hottest English grammar parts (which are certainly involved in the B2 intermediate language exam)
- has already learnt English but got totally lost in the labyrinth of the English grammar rules
Either you want to learn these English grammar forms from scratch or you would like to orginze the existing knowledge in your head, this course will help!
The 10 video lectures contain topics such as:
- Causative
- Conditionals (If clauses)
- Modal auxiliary verbs (present/past)
- Passive voice
- Question tag
- Reported speech
… with more fundamental topics which are 100% sure to occur in everyday communication or in B2 intermediate language exam.
You will get practice activities for each lectures that you will be able to check, so you can learn from your own mistakes, too.
At the end of the course you are going to have the “aha” experience. You will be happy and satisfied because you are not going to have any problems with the hottest topics of the English Grammar again.
After this course you will feel like you have been stung by a mutant spider: world becomes ultimately simple and you will be able to reply all the questions as if your reflexes would have speeded up by 100x. You don’t need to mull about the perfect usage of ‘would’ or ‘would have’ in the 3rd conditional: the correct answer is right there in your mind.
Join the course and let’s tame the English grammar together!
Udemy Coupon Code : https://www.udemy.com/lets-tame-the-english-grammar-together/?couponCode=STUDIO1
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