
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2019

Udemy – Winning With Communication – Master Communication Skills [100% OFF]

Course Description Winning With Communication – Communication Training Course It’s hard to get the slightest things done … if you can’t communicate well. Master Communicators enjoy Better Careers, Relationships, Happiness and More Success! Gain an Unfair Advantage over those who are missing these skills … and Join the Ranks of the Top 1% of Communicators! You will learn: • How to Say things in a way others will Listen • Learn how make your Communication more Powerful • Improve your Relationships • Be more Influential • How to get your needs met • Create Closeness & Understanding • Be Liked more • Understand others better • Achieve your Goals • Speak With Greater Confidence!          and Much, Much More! Mastering Communication Skills is one of the KEYS to a Successful Life … It will help you achieve more in your Career in less time and More in your Life in General!  Gain this Added Advantage in Life – Become a Master Communicator! Ude...

Udemy – Ultimate Time Management – BEST Time Management Course [100% OFF]

Course Description Ultimate Time Management – Taking Complete Control of Your Time and Your Life “Life is Naught But a Measurement of Time – You Cannot Waste One Without Losing the Other.” Time & Life the the SAME Thing!  … Therefore, Time is Your MOST Valuable Resource. Learn how to Save YEARS of Your Life using our Cutting-Edge Techniques … We have Trained over 24,000 Students in 6 Months! BENEFITS OF TIME MANAGEMENT: Reduce Your STRESS Make MORE MONEY Get Promoted Faster Grow Your Business Faster Get YEARS Of Your Life Back Gain an Unfair Advantage over Your Competition Having Excellent Time Management Skills is one of the KEY Ways you WIN at the Game Of Life! Learn Today … and have MORE Time Tomorrow for Family, Friends, Fun and to just Relax & Enjoy Life! Udemy Coupon Code :   https://www.udemy.com/ultimate-time-management-best-time-management-course-class-training/?couponCode=TIMEMGT-FREEBEE   Share with your fr...

Udemy – Unity 3d Guide : Learn to Code in C# By making Games [100% OFF]

Course Description Start Your Game Development Journey or Advance Your Previous C# Scripting By Learning “How To Make Games And Earn Fame”. This Course is Build To Help The students in learning many aspects of the video game development engine i.e. Unity Game Development Engine. This Course Uses Unity Personal Edition Which is available For Free On Unity 3d Official Website! This Course Has Many Features Which Include: Unity 3d Basics Custom Scene Lighting Sound Effects Character Animations C# Scripting 3d Modelling Upload Your Game to Google Play Store Earn Money By Showing Ads in Your Game Like : Interstitial Ads Video Ads Banner Ads Survey Based Ads And Much More Features Included in This Course !   Udemy Coupon Code :  https://www.udemy.com/unity-course/?couponCode=FREEFORFIRSTTIMEONLY   Share with your friends :

Udemy – Passive Income: A Beginner’s Guide to Domain Trading [100% OFF]

Course Description Start making money from domain names! In this course you will learn how to make passive income from domain trading. In today’s world everyone has a website and people are selling domain names every day. I want to show you how you can benefit from this simple business model and make extra money. This course is not a get rich quick scheme – it requires some work upfront , from which you will reap the benefits later – just like any passive income business. You will learn step by step : How to evaluate the price of a domain name How to buy domains for a few dollars How to sell domains for much higher price ($200 – $3000) This course will cover everything you need to know to start buying and selling domains for profit as a complete beginner . You don’t need any previous experience , we will cover everything from the beginning to the end. You will also get bonus materials to help you from the beginning. Making more money means less stress and more free ...

Udemy – Business Intelligence: Strategies, Tools & Techniques [100% OFF]

Course Description Welcome to Business Intelligence: Strategies, Tools & Techniques In this course you will learn the basic principles and elements of Business Intelligence and how to apply it to achieve sustainable and profitable business growth. By the end of the course, you will be able to build the fundamental architecture for functioning business intelligence systems with the support of data-mining & data-warehousing applications. You will have the knowledge you need to develop and launch a BI project – turning the flood of data into actionable information that helps your business succeed. Finally, you’ll discover how the applications and technologies join forces to access, analyze, and offer data that you can use to make better business decisions, improve your products, satisfy customers, overcome competitors, and more. You’ll find out how to: Understand the basic principles and elements of Business Intelligence Learn how Business Intelligence leads to sustainable ...

Udemy – Raise Your Vibration Frequency Higher Spiritual Healing [100% OFF]

Course Description This course has one Goal. To show you how to become a self-reliant Energy worker. Because now that you know how to Active Your Energy body I’m sure you wondering? “Ok, I know how to Do all this stuff but now what?” OR “I can feel my subtle body but my am I doing this right or am I just fooling myself?” Or “How can I keep progressing down this metaphysical inner path?”  Your questions and concerns are not only common, they’re expected. And there’s only one solution for you. You have to get, better stronger and optimize your skills. That’s What This Advance Course Is All About. Question: why are Energy healers always getting sick? Because they not self-reliant or self-sufficient. They need The Reiki, or The Universe or The sacred water, Symbol or “ Insert crutch here ”. I remember one of my Later Teachers told me she was just a rusty old pipe God sends Energy through.  But what happens when her Magical toys don’t show up that day? I’ll leave tha...

Udemy – The Complete Job Interviewing Skills Masterclass Course [100% OFF]

Course Description Interviewing skills are the difference between getting the appointment for the job interview versus getting the job offer. Great job interviewing skills are essential if you want the best jobs in today’s competitive job market. Does the prospect of going into a strange room and answering questions form one or more strangers for 30-60 minutes and then having your entire career decided intimidate you or make you nervous? You can become a master on interviewing skills. Imagine walking into a job interview know that you will look and sound your best. You are completely confident that you you can speak in a compelling and understanding manner. You know that you have great messages, examples and stories about your experiences and experiences that the interview will find as compelling reasons as to why you are a great fit for this job. When you walk out of the interview you know that you did your very best, that the interviewer understands and respects your unique tal...

Udemy – Davinci Resolve 15 : From Beginner To Professional [100% OFF]

Course Description Hello, in this course you will learn to work with the Davinci Resolve software, this software is considered one of the best video editing software’s in the world. To reach a professional level in this software you need to learn its basics and how to use its tools. In this course I will explain to you all the basics and the features in this software. This course is 1 hour long and divided to 29 videos and presented in a simple and easy way. When you complete this course you will know how to work with the software menus, how to add effects, correct colors, animate the text and a lot more. In short this course will qualify you to be a professional in the Davinci Resolve software and give you all you need to start your career in video editing. The course is divided to 6 sections: The basics Editing videos Adding effects Text editing and animating Color correction and grading And then we have an advanced level section So go ahead and join more than 40.000 st...

Udemy – Social Media Manager [100% OFF]

Course Description Teaching the basics of social media networking and success of growing it, I provide the details of using instagram , twitter, and twitch. And how to grow your following, and get more views from your posts, and or streams. How to use proper hashtags on both instagram, and twitter. How to achieve getting your tweets retweeted. How to create instagram stories. I also explain the rules of using instagram correctly. Today on social media it is very important to use every tool possible in order to get the maximum amount of growth from your account. It is also a key factor to learn how to market yourself. Udemy Coupon Code :   https://www.udemy.com/social-media-manager-instagram/?couponCode=SOCIALMEDIABEGINNERS   Share with your friends :

Udemy – Zen Life Habits: Living A Simpler, Richer and Happier Life. [100% OFF]

Course Description Тhіs trаnsfоrmаtіоnаl соursе соntаіns еvеrуthіng уоu nееd tо knоw аbоut lіvіng thе “Zen Life.” Yоu wіll dіsсоvеr hоw tо lеаd а mіnіmаlіst lіfеstуlе wіth Zen practices, hоw Zen habits саn hеlр уоu dіsсоvеr уоur lіfе рurроsе аnd fосus оn whаt’s mеаnіngful іn lіfе, lіfе hасks tо lеаd а mоrе dіsсірlіnеd, sіmрlеr аnd lеss strеssful lіfе іnstеаd оf соntrіvеd аnd аrtіfісіаl оnе, dаіlу рrасtісеs tо hеlр уоu dеvеlор Zen habits аnd сurb аddісtіоn to mention but a few. In SHORT… …It reveals how to achieve a simpler, richer and a happier life. Think about it… Who doesn’t want to live a healthy, fulfilling and empowering lifestyle? Who doesn’t want to have access to information that can change their lives physically and mentally? Who doesn’t want to discover the secrets to maintaining exceptional mental, physical and emotional well-being? Who doesn’t want to learn how to take good care of their ‘Spiritual Temple’? Who doesn’t want to live their life full of energy and ...

Udemy – Product Launch Success: Best Strategies For a Product Launch [100% OFF]

Course Description Тhіs соursе rеvеаls thе bеst techniques usеd іn a successful product launch with videos . Wіth thеsе techniques, уоu wіll nоt оnlу gаіn а vіtаl undеrstаndіng оf runnіng effective video launches , уоu wіll аlsо еlеvаtе уоur brаnd’s роsіtіоn аnd іnсrеаsе уоur brand’s awareness. Тhіs training соntаіns аll thе nесеssаrу іnfоrmаtіоn thаt уоu’ll nееd tо рlаn уоur product launch wіth аll thе bеst strategies аnd ехесutе іt tо реrfесtіоn. Here are just a few of the many things you will learn: The best techniques used in successful product launch. Gain a vital understanding of running effective video launches. Why you need to strategize your video product launch to maximize success. How to elevate your brand’s position and increase your brand’s awareness. How to generate the buzz you need for a product launch. Common mistakes to avoid in a successful product launch. And Much, Much More! Other Benefits  : Lifetime Access to all other updates! Surprise Bonuse...

Udemy – Increase Muscle Mass: Get Bigger, Stronger & Ripped FASTER! [100% OFF]

Course Description This соursе reveals the secrets to get bigger, stronger & ripped faster. Yоu’ll dіsсоvеr thе sесrеts  to get you frоm bеіng Fаt tо FІТ , frоm FІТ tо Ѕuреr-Ѕtrоng  – Yоu’ll nеvеr lооk bасk аgаіn! Тhіs іs ТНЕ Ultіmаtе Fіtnеss Вluерrіnt оn hоw tо build solid muscle mass, gаіn strеngth, get ripped , аnd соnstаntlу bе аt уоur bеst рhуsісаl аnd mеntаl wеllbеіng. Think about it… Who doesn’t want to get into the best shape in their lives? Who doesn’t want to be in the strоngеst vеrsіоn оf thеmsеlvеs аnd lіvе а lоng, hеаlthу lіfе frоm drugs, mеdісаtіоn аnd lіfе suрроrt? Who dоеsn’t wаnt tо lіvе thеіr lіfе full оf еnеrgу аnd unshаkаblе соnfіdеnсе? Who dоеsn’t wаnt tо hаvе thаt unlіmіtеd еnеrgу аnd vіbrаnсе tо dо whаtеvеr thеу sеt tо dо wіth thеіr lіvеs? Yоu сеrtаіnlу саn’t dо muсh bеіng а slоb аnd саrrуіng аn ехсеss bаggаgе оf оvеr 50lbs rіght!? Who dоеsn’t wаnt tо lіvе а іnјurу-frее lіfе bу lеаrnіng рrореr lіftіng tесhnіquеs аnd diet strategies for...

Udemy – Mind Mapping: Unlock Your Brain Power with Mind Mapping [100% OFF]

Course Description Mind maps are an amazing organizational and creativity tool that will improve your memory, concentration, organization, time management and even creativity. Mind mapping can be applied in many situations and settings. For example: Students can better understand complex topics and structure their revision with mind mapping; Business people can manage their projects better and collaborate with partners using mind maps. Any creative process can be enhanced by using a mind map to test and explore your ideas and build upon them. If you want to improve your memory, be more organized,  plan your business strategy, or even plan out your future, then this  course is for you. By the end of this course you will enhance your skills in brainstorming, planning, designing, productivity, and so much more. What you’ll learn in this course: ·         What is Mind Mapping ·         Learn...

Udemy – Become a master in Dart Programming Language [100% OFF]

Course Description Dart is a scalable language that you can use to write simple scripts or full featured apps. Whether you’re creating a mobile app, web app, command-line script, or server-side app, there’s a Dart solution for that.Dart has become a general purpose language that is optimized for web and mobile development. Dart is a great fit for both mobile and web apps. Dart is an object oriented programming language. It is a new language created by Google developers or developer. Dart helps you craft beautiful, high-quality experiences across all screens. Dart is focused on three areas: strengthening and tightening the language, developing our support for web and mobile frameworks, and bringing some of the tooling and components that support Google’s usage of Dart to the outside world. A client-optimized language Rich, powerful frameworks Delightful, flexible tooling Dart’s syntax is clear and concise, its tooling simple yet powerful. Sound typing helps yo...

Udemy – The Ultimate Facebook Retargeting Mastery! [100% OFF]

Course Description This соursе will guide you on how to master Facebook retargeting with ease. Wе wіll shоw уоu hоw tо рrореrlу sеt uр аnd usе thе роwеr оf retargeting оn thе Facebook рlаtfоrm. Тhе fасt іs, аbоut 2% оf уоur рrоsресts соnvеrt аftеr vіеwіng уоur wеbsіtе, thе оthеr 98% whо lеаvе mау nеvеr соmе bасk . Тhіs mеаns thаt аnу mоnеу уоu’vе іnvеstеd tо gеt реорlе tо vіsіt hаs bееn lоst. Тhаt саn quісklу аdd uр tо а lоt оf wаstеd mоnеу! AND… Іn thіs соursе, уоu wіll dіsсоvеr hоw tо рrоfеssіоnаllу usе Facebook retargeting marketing tо brіng bасk thаt 98% аnd соnvеrt ‘wіndоw shорреrs’ іntо buуеrs. Here are just a few of the many things you will learn: How to properly set up your Facebook retargeting with ease. How to add pixel to your website. How to properly create custom audiences. What is Facebook pixel? What does it do?  Why is it important? How does it work? Remarketing to the 98% of your prospects who leave your website and may never come back. And Much, Muc...

Udemy – Learn Discrete Mathematics from Basics [100% OFF]

Course Description This a basic course in Discrete Mathematics which covers the following topics: 1) Logic  2) Methods of Mathematical Proof  3)Set Theory  4) Functions and Relations  5)Number Systems  6) Counting Arguments 7) Matrices 8) Graph Theory 9) Number Theory  10)Cryptography 11) Boolean Algebra 12)Sequences  13) Series  among other topics. Lot of Exercises along with solutions to some of them will be discussed. It is learning from the fundamentals  by doing plenty of exercises and developing deep understanding of concepts. Udemy Coupon Code :  https://www.udemy.com/learn-discrete-mathematics-from-basics/?couponCode=DISCRETEMATH-FREE   Share with your friends :

Udemy – Make Four Projects From Scratch: CSS And HTML [100% OFF]

Course Description GENERAL OVERVIEW: If you are an aspiring web developer looking to take your skills further, this course will help get your hands dirty and prepare you for developing real life projects and websites from scratch. Each one of these projects will help you practice some of the more complicated concepts in CSS. For example, you will become more familiar with how use variables, functions, as well as how to use the animation, transform and box-shadow properties to create beautiful designs. The projects in this course are made using pure CSS: no knowledge of javascript is required.  THE 4 PROJECTS: A hand A penguin A ghost with four glowing orbs A chest with three drawers Udemy Coupon Code :   https://www.udemy.com/css-projects-create-4-projects-using-pure-css/?couponCode=SPECIALFFF or Other Coupon Code :  https://www.udemy.com/css-projects-create-4-projects-using-pure-css/?couponCode=SPECIALDEF   Share with your friends :

Udemy – Gamification: How to Level Up Your Life and Business [100% OFF]

Course Description Want  More Productivity Without Sacrificing Happiness ? Want To Discover the Psychological Triggers That Get Us To Take Action? Well this course helps with just that. You can look at it like the MANUAL to integrate game mechanics into your schedule. So either you want a more productive team or to get a new habit, this is for you. You’ll learn… psychological triggers how choice works how to avoid cognitive biases game mechanics badges leaderboards quests how to tell a good story using the hero’s journey And all this in a practical, easy to follow format.   Udemy Coupon Code :  https://www.udemy.com/level-up/?couponCode=LAUNCHFREE   Share with your friends :

Udemy – A fun way of learning Japanese language – JLPT N4 and N5 [100% OFF]

Course Description When you were a baby, did you study grammar to learn how to speak? I’m sure none of us did. There’s only one way babies learn, and that is through repeating what others say. In this course, there will be 136 interesting personality. They will speak a total of 1000 sentences using short dialogues. All you need to do is to repeat what they say. But with passion. Learning Japanese does not simply come from listening to it. Please keep listening to it repeatedly and recite what the characters are saying. I have made the lessons interesting so you will not get tired of them. Don’t try and learn the grammar theoretically. Learn it through practice. If you don’t understand grammar, you can learn the phrase itself. This course is not just about watching or listening to the videos. Please utilize the Q & A format like a chat room, and communicate with others using Japanese. Fortunately, this course is full of people from all over the world who are keen to l...

Udemy – Explaindio Mastery: A detailed Approach to Video creation [100% OFF]

Course Description Greetings fellow animators and aspiring animators! If you have been struggling with learning how to use Explaindio 3.0 or transitioning from video scribe or video maker fx or easy sketch pro to a much more complex software like Explaindio then worry no more! ***************************************************************************************************** Have you used older versions of the Explaindio software like the 2.0 version and are having a hard time getting a hang of some of the changes in the Explaindio 3 software? Perhaps you have looked everywhere for a detailed yet straight to point, no fluff course on using the Explaindio software but can’t seem to find one.. Most Explaindio courses are just way too lengthy and spend time trying to over explain the basics while leaving out the most important features and much more! Would you like a detailed course that takes you through each Explaindio feature explaining how to use them? How about a complete s...

Udemy – The Complete Online Arbitrage Masterclass [100% OFF]

Course Description Online Arbitrage is hands down the best Online Business for Beginners. It’s a low risk, high reward, high return on your investment Business. It’s time the internet started to work for you. You can use whatever you have to start (yes, you can start with nothing!) & I’ll show you how to continuously flip products to double, triple, & even 10X your money…over & over again . No, that is NOT a typo! I’ve taught thousands of people to do this & still do this myself EVERY SINGLE DAY. We’ll run through where to source profitable products (& even get some for Free). We’ll also talk about all the different marketplaces you can sell those products, the benefits of each one, & the best places to sell specific products. That way you can begin with the end in mind (b/c the profit is made in the purchase…given you know where to Sell for a Higher Margin). By enrolling in The Complete Online Arbitrage Masterclass you’ll learn how & where to Buy p...

Udemy – PIC Microcontroller Interfacing with LCD [100% OFF]

Course Description >>> You will enter LCD Display world of wonders, Write Anything and Make it shine using LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)  Welcome to this course. LCD Display is a display device used to display information on clocks, calculators, watches and other devices and in this course you will learn it’s internal structure and how it functions, as well as how to interface it to a Microcontroller and Write codes to display letters, numbers and sentences. Do you want to Go  to the next level in Displaying Data using LCD Display? We are announcing our brand-new course  LCD Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller HD Content that will take you in an informative journey to not only master the coding of LCD Display with PIC Microcontroller, but also learn the very basics of  LCD Display  internal structure, how it works, it’s parts, it’s wiring diagram and how your code is handled by it. What You will get in this course?...

Udemy – Etsy for Newbies: Start your shop fast, easy and simple [100% OFF]

Course Description SIGN UP NOW: EACH SECOND YOU DELAY YOU COULD BE MAKING MONEY  Did you know that Etsy had over 1 billion dollars in transactions last year? What if you could go back in time and start selling one eBay when only a few know about it! This is what Etsy is all about with not too many sellers and over 50 million buyers where the average seller makes over $2,000 while those on the top making a living the dream. You can as well join this course today and learn some of the methods that will get you to the top of the food chain instructors by two of the top teachers on Udemy. In this course, you will learn about the kinds of products that make money on Etsy as its only limited to selling handmade, antiques & vintage anything made before 1998, and digital creative products. You will also learn the basics of setting up your Etsy account, and how to take the first steps of running your Etsy business, which will hopefully put you on your way to becoming the ne...

Udemy – Acupressure for Common Ailments [100% OFF]

Course Description Hello, and welcome to Acupressure for Common Ailments . Have you ever wondered if there was a drug free alternative to help alleviate many of those common issues that  some of us face almost every day?  Well look no further than this course! In this course, you will learn how to easily assist with many problems through the simple power of touch!  We looked at an extensive range of issues, as well as an extensive range of points that have many other added benefits. Some of those issues include; Headaches Digestive issues Menstrual problems Aching joints and muscle stiffness Emotional issues  and so much more! so, If you are ready to learn a great, easy, step by step technique that could potentially ease, not only your pain, but the pain of those you care about, then this is the course for you. So come on inside and learn the magic of acupressure. Udemy Coupon Code :   https://www.udemy.com/acupressure-for-common-ailments/?couponCod...

Udemy – OPTIONS TRADING: Trade Stock Options in the Stock Market [100% OFF]

Course Description Options trading . Learn how to trade options. I teach you how to be profitable in the stock market by trading (selling) option premium. You will learn financial trading, stock options and how to be an options trader by selling options. Options trading can be very profitable. Learn the safe way how to trade stock options so that you can be a successful options trader and earn consistent profits. Make MONEY in the stock market Learn financial trading so that you can make money by trading and being an options trader Learn from a millionaire trader   Udemy Coupon Code :  https://www.udemy.com/options-trading-make-consistent-profits-in-the-stock-market/?couponCode=TRADEOPTIONS   Share with your friends :

Udemy – Photography Masterclass: Portrait Photography Retouching [100% OFF]

Course Description Learn Non-Destructive Professional Beauty Retouching Tools and Techniques in Photoshop Do you want to know how you can get more higher paying clients? Well then you’re in the right place. I’m Sheldon Evans, a professional photographer and retoucher who has been in the industry for over 11 years. I know how difficult it can be to find high quality photography education online and that’s why I have decided to create this course. A lot of photographers jump into the working field without fully learning how to retouch their images. This results in photographers missing out on higher paying clients simply because their work does not meet the standard of the professional industry. By improving your retouching skills, not only can you save money by not having to hire a retoucher and give up some of your creative process to someone else, but you can also then retouch for other photographers and earn extra income. There are a few things you should know about r...

Udemy – Complete Trello Fundamentals – Beginners to Advanced [100% OFF]

Course Description Trello lets you work more collaboratively and get more done. It’s intuitive and easy to pick up, unlike most other productivity tools out there, yet at the same time it is flexible enough that it can be tweaked for more serious and complex project management. *SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS* We’ll go through the fundamentals Trello’s basic features and some basic concepts of Kanban. Feel free to start from the beginning or jump ahead to the more advanced sections of the course. *LEARN HOW TO USE TRELLO TO MANAGE PERSONAL TASKS, TEAM PROJECTS AND BUSINESS OPERATIONS* Explore project templates and the various workflows and frameworks that are suitable for different scenarios. *UNLOCK MORE ADVANCED FUNCTIONS* Trello can be enhanced using Power-Ups and browser extensions which can solve almost any need that you may have for different projects. *AUTOMATE BASIC TASKS* Using platforms such as Automate-dot-io, Trello can talk to your other software and services. *GET MORE...

Udemy – 2D Game with Inkscape & free online tools. Create 2D games [100% OFF]

Course Description If you have an amazing game idea, and you wish to develop your own custom graphics, this class is for you! I’m going to teach you how to use Inkscape, a free design software, and create all the game art you need in order to develop a 2D game! Because Inkscape is a vector graphics software, the assets you create will be scalable and also highly versatile. You will create them once and then you can use them on any device and also any resolution! From iPhones to desktop computers. You will learn the core concepts, tools, and functions and you will be able to develop fully functional 2D Games. Learning the basics of Inkscape and Game Art Design will put a very powerful and useful tool at your fingertips. Inkscape is very easy to learn, it has amazing documentation, and is one of the most used tools for creating vector arts. Udemy Coupon Code :  https://www.udemy.com/create-2d-game-with-inkscape/?couponCode=2DGAME   Share with your friend...

Udemy – Play Incredible Guitar Solos: Essential Exercises [100% OFF]

Course Description “Ryan’s course has taught me so much about guitar soloing that I couldn’t have learned elsewhere.  I was even able to play a solo from one of my favorite songs!” -Michael Suprise “Ryan has been able to help me shortcut what would’ve been a long, directionless path otherwise.  Being able to see those tangible results has inspired me forward and made learning the guitar a heck of a lot of fun.” -Jorden Barrow What are your dreams? If you had the freedom to play anything you wanted on the guitar , what would you be playing right now? If you’re like most people, you might hesitate to answer this question because you feel like it would be considered unrealistic or you feel like maybe you’re just not the guitar soloing type. You’ve got a busy schedule so maybe you don’t have time or maybe you just can’t afford lessons with top quality teachers.  It’s perfectly normal to feel this way, but I’m here to tell you, if you feel the guitar calli...

Udemy – How To Use Alteryx To Visualise SQL Server Data In Qliksense [100% OFF]

Course Description This course is divided into three modules : Database design using SQL server. Alteryx Designer  2018.4.4 QlikSense, A Personalised, interactive data visualisations tool. Module 1: Database design using SQL server: This module will cover very basics of any database system. We will start by designing a simple database. Then will learn how to use SQL , to retrieve data stored in SQL Server. How to design tables so that you could store data in that. Then will show you how to use other data manipulation statements available in SQL. We will cover following keywords in SQL. Select from table , create table , Insert into table Delete from table Where clause while using select and delete. primary key unique key. Upcoming topics: Constrains (Check) View Index Join Union stored procure Functions At the end of this module we will list few of the most common interview question, that you could expect from database management system. Module 2: ...

Udemy – Premiere Pro : Color grading from zero to hero [100% OFF]

Course Description In this course you will learn how to grade and edit colors in video files making them in the best quality possible. The lessons presented in this course are practical because we will work on numerous video examples in which the colors are pale and in a low quality and we will grade and edit them turning them into high quality and professional videos. The course is very easy and simple and through it you will learn to edit and grade colors in any way you like. The course is presented to the beginners in video editing and also for youtubers and anyone that makes their own videos whether to publish it on social media platforms or to make their own short movies because correcting colors is very important in setting shots and making them consistent with each other than you can add extra special effects to them and make them more professional. So all you have to do is to subscribe to this course.   Udemy Coupon Code :   https://www.udemy.com/premiere-pro-col...

Udemy – NLP Techniques To Power Up Your Life [100% OFF]

Course Description NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your  neurology; Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that  neural language functions. In other words, learning NLP is like  learning the language of your own mind! Let’s make this simpler with an example. Have you ever tried to communicate with someone who didn’t speak your  language, and they couldn’t understand you? The classic example of this  is when someone goes out to a restaurant in a Foreign country and they  think they ordered steak, but when the food shows up, it turns out they  actually asked for liver stew. This is the kind of relationship that most of us have with our own  unconscious mind. We might think we are “ordering up” more money, a  happy, healthy relationship, peace with our family members, and being  able to stick to a healthy diet…but unless that’s what showing up, then  something is probably getting lost ...

Udemy – Reverse Diabetes Type 1 and 2 Naturally [100% OFF]

Course Description Diabetes is a group of metabolic disorders in which there are high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period As of 2015, an estimated 415 million people had diabetes worldwide, Diabetes can be halted or reversed within days and that too in most inexpensive ways diabetes is not a disease. It is just that the body is slightly unable to maintain the homeostasis of the glucose within a given range The Myth Diabetes Type 1 & Type 2 cannot be cured and patients have to manage it lifelong with medications. The main credit of spreading this lie through managed and sponsored scientific findings and making the public believe it through paid media by the custodians of diabetes. Till 1997 fasting blood sugar of 140 mg/dl was considered to be normal and healthy, then an expert panel revised the guidelines and reduced the limit from 140 mg/dl to 126 mg/dl. This means if you have fasting blood glucose more the 126 mg/dl, you have diabetes. So, anyone ...

Udemy – Competitor Analysis Tools for 2019: Part 1 [100% OFF]

Course Description Do you know? Competitive analysis  can make or break your marketing strategy this New Year! There is intense competition in business everywhere. Identifying your target competitors  and evaluating their strategies to determine their strengths and weaknesses relative to those of your own product or service is a must.  This unforgettable course will provide a great framework to help marketers and newbies like you uncover the secrets of your competitors in an all-new fashion. You will learn new-age tools in this Part 1 Course – to be aware of what the competition is doing – the tools that they are currently leveraging to take their business to success heights in digital marketing. A few tools will also help you to monitor your competitor’s emails, discover the most needful tips for SEO (search engine optimisation) and keyword research. You will also learn the traffic your competitor brands are getting in their websites and the revenue they potent...

Udemy – Basic English Grammar And Structures [100% OFF]

Course Description In this course, you will see A1 – A2 Elementary Level English structures and their grammatical usage in different contexts and examples. With slow and clear explanations, you will learn fast and after watching each video lesson, you will be guided to do some activities to settle down the knowledge you have gained. You will just need to watch the videos and do the activities. Besides, we uploaded pdf documents attached to each video, on which the words used in the video are written. You can look up the dictionary to learn the meanings of the words before watching the video. This course is the best fit for the people all around the world, who are learning English as beginners or whose level is A1 Elementary Level. If you know some basic English and want to improve your skills to A1 – A2 Elementary Level , this course will really help you a lot. After watching the videos and doing the activities, you will see the difference in your...

Udemy – Amazon FBA – How To Sell Private Label Products & Earn! [100% OFF]

Course Description Discover How Thousands Of Sellers Are Making A Full-Time Income On Amazon With This Approach Leave the corporate grind behind and run your own business.  NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED  SUITABLE FOR ANYONE WORLDWIDE It’s NOT normal to work  40-50 hours  a week and have  no time for yourself . You weren’t given the gift of life to only enjoy it on your 2 weeks of vacation a year.  Life is meant to be enjoyed! You’ll learn everything you need to know about finding  profitable  products to sell on Amazon and a 6 figure or more income from anywhere in the world. Become your own boss and never work a 9-5 job again! *UPDATES*  I continually update this course with new content to stay in tune with the latest Amazon marketplace trends and practices. The following and more is covered in this course: 40+ over-the-shoulder style video lessons  taking you through every single step of the process. ($5000+ value) 1-on-1 ...

Udemy – Childbirth and Postpartum: Overcoming Your 5 Biggest Fears [100% OFF]

Course Description Becoming a parent is a huge transition . You are excited but worried, too. This one hour introductory course addresses your five most common and pressing fears head on. It will help you overcome your: Fear of pain in childbirth ; Fear of the postpartum period ; Fear of being unable to breastfeed ; Fear of something going wrong ; Fear of losing control . Through video lessons, quizzes and action plans, this course gives you the information, skills and strategies you need to have what you want: a safe, healthy and satisfying birth and postpartum . You’ll learn how to: Have a more comfortable childbirth without drugs; Organize your life so that you can actually have a wonderful postpartum experience; Prepare effectively to breastfeed successfully ; Help things to go right during birth; Exert or surrender control at the right times. By the end of this course you’ll have solid action plans and peace of mind so you can enjoy the rest of your preg...

Get Paid To Blog: Ultimate Guide on How to Make Money on Steemit [99% OFF]

Course Description If you’ve ever wondered how to make money on Steemit, how to increase the reach of your content and how to get more up-votes, this is the course for you. Get Paid To Blog – It’s Easy Do you want to become a content creator or a professional blogger? Maybe you have always been interested in starting a blog and creating content, but you were not sure how and where to begin? Have you wondered how to make money writing? These same questions have also troubled me, and I had to find the secrets and tricks to this craft on my own. But you don’t have to, because you have this course. Please watch the promo video to see what you will learn in this course from me. I am on Steemit, and I’ll share all my best practices for blogging on Steemit with you. If you enroll, you will get instant access to over 2+ hours of HD content. In this course, I will show you exactly how to get paid to blog on Steemit, like people’s content, share videos/images/memes and lots more. Ever...