Udemy – Best Practices in Knowledge Management [100% off]

Best Practices in Knowledge Management

Course Description

At the most basic level, managing and sharing knowledge that’s relevant, timely, and complete allows organisations to coordinate efforts among team members. Meanwhile, companies that consistently exploit the development and utilisation of knowledge at the organisational level see tangible results in the form of more innovative strategies, better competitive abilities, and an overall improvement in business performance.

The way we conduct business and communicate in general has changed drastically in recent years, and this new world order represents an ideal opportunity for companies to shake up their traditional approach to Knowledge Management and refocus their efforts on the many benefits it offers. Even the most seasoned companies are finding it necessary to adjust their goals and tactics to reflect and capitalise on modern-day trends.

Mobile devices and the development of online social networking in particular have reshaped the core of Knowledge Management at both the personal and the enterprise level. In the modern workplace environment, knowledge is profoundly social and is best managed in groups, networks, and communities. Today’s employees expect a higher level of engagement, sharing, and access to information, and the efficient performance of their daily tasks relies on internal processes and communication systems that function as efficiently as those employed outside the work realm.

With this new wave of increasingly digital-savvy employees, organisations have the opportunity to turn the individual knowledge of their workers into intellectual company assets. But while technology now provides the framework for effective Knowledge Management, knowledge itself is still very much a human activity that requires human organisation and understanding. A current, cohesive, and comprehensive approach to KM leads to better decision-making across the board, and is critical to a company’s continued growth and success.

By completing this course, you’ll learn how leading organisations have achieved significant results through the implementation of basic Knowledge Management principles, and you’ll discover how to apply these same strategic principles to your organisation.


Udemy Coupon Code : https://www.udemy.com/best-practices-in-knowledge-management/?couponCode=KnowledgeLaunch




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