Udemy – Goal Setting: Goals: Motivation, Discipline and Persistence [100% off]
Course Description
Do you feel stuck?
Like maybe you’re busy existing rather than truly living?
Are you merely part of the crowd rather than a unique individual?
Perhaps it’s time to change…
Perhaps it’s as simple as pursuing your passions.
Lecture 2: Goal Setting: Set Achievable, Incremental & Measurable (AIM) Goals
But how about changing all of that… and I mean for the better ;-)?
This is a course about goal setting but the course goes well beyond that by including a detailed discussion of how to achieve your goals through:
Lecture 3: Motivation – Building Momentum
Lecture 4: Discipline – Directed Momentum
Lecture 5: Persistence – Sustained Momentum
Lecture 6: Rinse and Repeat (goto Lecture 2)
Follow the simple techniques outlined in this course to make significant positive progress toward achieving your goals.
Udemy Coupon Code : https://www.udemy.com/goal-setting-goals-motivation-discipline-and-persistence/?couponCode=BBHF-1142017-0-1000
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