Udemy – Body Language : Tips to Make A Great First Impression [100% off]

Body Language : Tips to Make A Great First Impression


Hi I warmly welcome you Zeus studios I am doing this course on tips to improve Body Language and First impression .I am giving you several tips to boost your body language and to make a great first impression.

What kind of first impression do you make? A first impression is the most important impression you’ll ever make—and you get only one chance to make it. Business deals can be made or broken, first dates become second dates or not, friendships are created or fail to form; everything hinges on that all-important initial encounter. And yet most of us don’t know how we’re really seen by others. Many of us don’t know how to make a good impression.

Here are 10 tips to help you keep your body language positive:



Eye contact.

Taking notes.



Take up space.



Impressions are made fast. Perhaps as quickly as just a few seconds. They’re made based on perceptions of appearance, attitude, trustworthiness and agenda. First impressions can be changed, but why not make the most of every interaction? Our tips will help.


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