Udemy – How to communicate with more Influence & Impact [100% off]

Of all of the useful skills in every area of life, the ability to Influence others is by far one of the most valuable and universal.
Whether you are an entrepreneur, manager, teacher, salesperson, employee, or parent, we all need to persuade someone to assist us, buy from us, follow our suggestions, or simply listen to us. And whatever impact we want to make on the world, the community, or the people around us, you must understand the subconsious mind in order to do that effectively.
Drawing from little known elements of Psychology, Hypnosis, and Neurolinguistic Programming, this course will cover:
- The role and rules of the unconscious mind
- The 8 pillars of influence
- The 5-step Sales Process
- The 4 ingredients to an effective presentation
- The key elements of non-verbal communication
- The conversational hypnosis techniques used by the masters
- And much more!
Udemy Coupon Code : https://www.udemy.com/influence-impact/?couponCode=B4GOOD_1017
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