Udemy – How to be an Independent security researcher [100% off]
Course Description
This Course is about :
- What is xss?
- Why xss?
- Types of xss?
- What are the different sources of xss?
- Different context of xss?
- What is Sql Injection?
- Different Types of Sql injection.
Types of xss
- Persistent xss (stored xss)
- Non persistent xss reflected xss
- Dom based xss
- We will discuss different xss example according owasp xss.
- Why xss is so important?
- What is internet safety?
- What is network security?
- Nothing just know to run apps on computer
- HTTP client server Architecture
- Basics of HTML and JS.
- Basics of PHP and ASPnet
If you know about some of these things then it will be more beneficial and will be easy for your understanding this course.
- Security Researcher
- Web Developer
- Bug Hunter
- Hard Worker and If you want to make yourself do somethig
Udemy Coupon Code : https://www.udemy.com/independent-security-researcher/?couponCode=MEes
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