Udemy – Hypnosis – Heighten Your Memory Retention With Self Hypnosis [100% off]

Hypnosis – Heighten Your Memory Retention With Self Hypnosis

Course Description

In this course titled ‘Hypnosis – Heighten Your Memory Retention With Self Hypnosis‘ By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn –

  • 1. Many times it happen when we find it difficult to recall the information, important days/ dates, events/meetings or sometimes even the names of the persons we met some time back. Students find it difficult to retain what they have learnt and this especially happens before exam or right in the examination hall while writing the exam. Why do you think this happens? And what do you think we can do to improve our memory retention capability? Well, before we move towards how to retain information, we first need to understand why we forget the information. The main reason is anxiety. When we are anxious, nervous or tense, it becomes very difficult for our subconscious mind to recall the information. Self hypnosis helps you to heighten your memory retention and this video is designed to serve this purpose. 2. How Self Hypnosis Can Help? 1) Self hypnosis helps to connect with the deep sources of power and energy within you 2) Self hypnosis helps change your limiting beliefs and thoughts 3) Self hypnosis brings more mental alertness 4) Self Hypnosis helps you a great wave of relaxation refreshing your whole body 5) Self hypnosis helps maintain positive attitude 6) Self hypnosis treats stress, anxiety, nervousness and depression successfully

This course is ideal for students who want to heighten their memory retention and also improve their memory to score well in exams and excel in their academics . It is also helpful in general for people to improve their memory

It is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.

This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 8 lectures in English including bonuses.


Udemy Coupon Codehttps://www.udemy.com/hypnosis-heighten-your-memory-retention-with-self-hypnosis/?couponCode=FREE5




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