Udemy – Short, Effective Workouts [100% off]
Course Description
Learn the skills for workouts that work.
Is it time to get serious about exercise?
- Short workouts
- Efficient workouts
- Effective workouts
You’ll learn knowledge and techniques for a lifetime of short, useful workouts
- What exercises melt fat
- What exercises build muscle
- What exercises waste time
Who is the ideal student?
Students should be healthy, ambitious and between the ages of 20 and 50. Students should be new to exercise or unfulfilled with their current workouts.
Bonus skills
- How to get motivated
- How to deal with people
- How to find time
- How to enjoy exercise more than you do now
Why take the course?
- Lose weight
- Gain energy
- Build muscle (guys)
What is the course?
This course consists of 13 short (most 2-5 minutes) lectures, many with printable worksheets. Each lecture emphasizes the importance of “soft” skills like enjoyment and dealing with people.
This course introduces and includes a 14 week workout mixing strength exercises and cardio exercises. The workout is explained in the lectures and the workout is downloadable and ready to use after all lectures have been completed.
This course focuses on lifetime skills that you can apply immediately and continue to apply forever.
If you want to lose weight, gain energy, or build muscle, you will graduate with the knowledge and techniques for short, useful workouts. No wasted time. Stuff you can use for a lifetime.
There’s more to exercise than the exercises, so we’re going to learn about the soft side of workouts (how to get motivated, how to conquer boredom) AND the hard side of workouts (what exercises melt fat, what routines build muscle.)
Why work out if you don’t enjoy it?
What have to got to lose, weight?
The course includes the 14 week E-3-C workout.
Udemy Coupon Code : https://www.udemy.com/short-effective-workouts/?couponCode=OFFERINSTRCR
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