Udemy – The Complete SAP Basis Course – Associate 2017 [100% off]
SAP Basis team is a very important part of every organization. They’re not only a major cost. They determine the performance of an organization IT system.
Still, many organizations and IT managers don’t do a very good job of SAP basis. This isn’t because of a lack of knowledge. It’s because of a lack of education in applying what we know works.
The curriculum is designed to transform those with no basis skills.
Successful completion of the course means a diverse portfolio of projects, basis techniques and hands on experiences to show employers your capabilities in SAP basis module.
Topics included:
1. Introduction
2. Start and stop SAP
3. System configuration
4. System monitoring and troubleshooting
5. Database fundamentals
6. User administration
7. Schedule background tasks
8. Output management
9. System maintenance
10. RFC connections
Enroll now and start learning the skills you need to level up your SAP career!
Udemy Coupon Code : https://www.udemy.com/sap-erp-basis/?couponCode=ENROLL10
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