Udemy – Jenkins Pipeline As Code: All you need to know from A – Z [100% OFF]

Are you looking to use Jenkins pipeline as code FAST?
Jenkins Pipeline as Code allows you to define and automate pipelined job processes with code. Code that can be stored and versioned in a repository which allows you to track changes over time and used by jenkins to run build jobs. If you are already using jenkins, you should have already heard of pipeline as code but if you have not, this course will help you learn what it is, and also help you to get started quickly with it to make your life as a devops practitioner much easier. This course will help you understand and use both declarative and scripted pipeline scripts and how to use shared libraries for common code across build jobs with realtime demonstrations of the pipeline scripts.
Udemy Coupon Code : https://www.udemy.com/jenkins-pipeline-as-code-all-you-need-to-know-from-a-z/?couponCode=1KFREE
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