Udemy – Novel Writing Essentials [100% off]

Novel Writing Essentials

Novel Writing Essentials

First of all, an author has an idea: it may be small but it grows over the weeks and months until he or she decides it’s time to get the story down on paper! This is the start of a long and exciting road, and it can be quite daunting.

The good news is that novel writing is a skill than can be learned, and the best way of learning it is to do it. However, the process is much easier if you have guidelines, a kind of road map to success with your first novel. This course is the road-map you need. You will learn the following novel writing essentials:

  • How to develop the idea for your novel into a viable main plot
  • How writing subplots improves your main plot
  • To represent your novel in the form of a Story Arc
  • Tips for writing great main characters with realism
  • Advice for writing support characters
  • How to apply backstory, conflict and tension into your novel
  • How to write dialogue to support characterization
  • How to self-edit your first novel using online tools
  • How to publish after writing your first novel

Writing Your Novel

Whew! There’s a lot to take in, but it really does flow logically once you see how all the elements of a modern novel fit together and help to improve your novel writing skills. Even beginners can succeed at novel writing if you are well organized and the manuscript is planned well.

The course ‘Novel Writing Essentials’ will guide you through the essential steps to a successful novel, even if you have no experience. You need to bring your idea and the willingness to want to learn how to write your first novel, that’s the main thing.

How To Write Your First Novel (without having a break-down)

The title of this course is self-explanatory, in that it is designed to help you write the story you have always wanted to write, through explaining the various elements of novel writing through the course of its lectures. I would like to applaud you for taking your first step towards novel writing; writing your first novel is not easy, and acknowledging that you even want to do something about the story that you have in your head is a huge event.

I understand that this can’t be easy, mainly when the idea of novel writing seems to stand out scarily and appears to present pictures of people sitting in dingy rooms, furiously typing away on their rusty typewriters with no sense of time or anything else – just writing (or trying to write) their first novel book.

This stereotypical image associated with writing can often put people off the writing a novel because they begin to fear the amount of work related to it. However, this course is designed in a manner that allows you to be able to consume small parts of the novel writing process without it becoming an overwhelming experience for you – you will learn how to write a novel painlessly!

Quite often, aspiring writers tend to think they lack the expertise required to be able to write a novel-length story successfully – but that’s where you’re wrong. Armed with enough dedication and information, there is no reason you shouldn’t be able to do this!

Through the course of this course, various lectures outline and attempt to answer any questions you might have had about the various aspects of novel writing. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner – we begin right with the basics, and go all the way to novel completion, with the additions of suggestions regarding editing and publishing as well. The lectures focus on a wide range of topics, from dialogue use, to world building and structuring your narrative – giving you everything you need to get started on that novel you always wanted to write.

Be open to learning on this journey towards becoming a more efficient and thoughtful writer – and you will be surprised by what you discover about yourself (and your novel writing skills) by the end of this journey.

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