Udemy – Successful B2B Trade Show Management and Marketing [100% off]
This is a practical course build for all producers who find themselves deprived of a high percentage of their profits for the benefit of traders and importers. This is a fighting chance for them to learn how to find a more profitable market for their products and how to present themselves with confidence and professionalism in order to attract more suitable partners.
The course is suitable for producers or traders of goods who wants to expand their business on other markets and they are looking for a structured market research process to help them identify the market with the highest potential for their products and also how to plan and participate successfully to a trade show and what marketing tools they should use.
If you are taking this course without having a company and a product in mind I encourage you to pick a company your would like to work for and do all the research, planning and preparing for a market you consider opportunistic and then use your work to get an interview with them. Practicing will help you become confident and rely on your new acquired skills.
This course is not for you if you are an expert in marketing: market research, trade fairs, communication and promotional materials.
By the end of this course you will be able to research new markets opportunities, to plan and participate to a B2B trade fair and to plan and prepare the marketing plan for the event.
What does this course cover?
- Market Research – You will learn how to research the markets you want to enter by investigating competitors, local producers, similar products or services on the market, consumers, potential customers and by extracting relevant statistical data.
- B2B Trade Show Planning and Management – Planning is the key to success! You will learn all you need to know about a trade show participation: how to choose the right trade fair, how to set your goals, to select your team, what samples to take, how to do the budget and how to arrange your booth.
- B2B Trade Show Marketing Plan – You will have a look over the communications and promotional materials needed to be prepared for the Trade Show participation.
- B2B Trade Show Participation and Follow-up – You will study the trade show appropriate business behavior and learn what the post show report should include.
Who is the target audience?
- Producers or Traders who want to reach new markets
- Entrepreneurs planning to exhibit in a B2B Trade Show
Sales and Marketing Teams in need for practical information to organize the participation to a B2B Trade Show
Udemy Coupon Code : https://www.udemy.com/successful-b2b-trade-show-management-and-marketing/?couponCode=FB0NEW112017
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