Udemy – Finding Mentors – How To Connect With Successful People [100% off] Worth $97!

Course Description

  • Over 42,000 people from 176 countries enrolled in our courses
  • Jimmy Naraine is the First Winner of Udemy’s Innovation Award 2015
  • Overall, 1,000+ TOP Reviews

There are different ways to achieve personal and professional success. Most people do everything by themselves and learn from their own mistakes. The problem with this approach is that creating massive results usually takes a lot of valuable time.

Taking this into account, what’s the point of reinventing the wheel?
Isn’t it better to model the best people in your field, learn 10x faster and accomplish massive results? Having successful individuals as your mentors can be a game changer and most people are aware of it. However, many of us never take any action. The main reason?
FEAR. The fear of rejection, the fear of failure, the fear of the unknown.
We say to ourselves:

-I don’t have enough experience
-I’m too young/old
-I’m just an average person with nothing to offer
-I’m not good enough etc.

However, we need to recognise those statements for what they really are – LIMITING BELIEFS. If you want to live a great life you need to start destroying those disempowering thought patterns.

The million dollar question is:

How can you distinguish yourself from thousands of other people and actually build relationships with your role models?

The truth is counter intuitive. It can get lonely at the top and connecting with TOP players in your industry can be actually easier than you think. This course is a straightforward step-by-step guide for finding powerful mentors. We will reveal the strategies that will help you to connect with people you admire. Moreover, we have uploaded real case studies, templates and will be posting bonus videos.

We understand that before enrolling you want to make sure that the content is perfect for your specific needs. This is why we’ve uploaded several free videos so you can get a feeling for what’s about to come. Take this course now and start connecting with the industry leaders & dramatically cut your learning curve.

Let our journey begin.


Udemy Coupon Codehttps://www.udemy.com/finding-mentors-how-to-connect-with-successful-people/?couponCode=UdemyStudioFeedback100




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