Udemy – Founders Pie Calculator [97% off] Worth $300!
Course Description
Previously: 5 lectures and 40 minutes of content delivered in a sleepy voice. Hey, it was my first course on Udemy! But despite my amateur attempt, folks still found the content very useful.
Now: Over 35 lectures and counting. Expanded and deeper discussion. Also, I’m awake in my videos now!
Take a look at the preview lectures to know what I mean. =)
So, you have a great business idea, you get your two best friends excited, and all three of you decide to start a company together. In your haste to get started, the three of you decided to divide the equity in thirds–it seemed the obvious and fair choice then.
Two weeks later, one of the friends drop out entirely and the other is only peripherally involved. You’re doing all the work now. Would it still be worth all your effort for 1/3 of the company? Probably not.
Starting a new venture is hard enough, figuring out what is fair for each cofounder shouldn’t be.
By taking this course and using my easy to use pie calculators, you’ll learn some ways on how to avoid this unfortunate, yet preventable situation. Through the course, you’ll learn what you should and should not factor into your equity pie considerations and how to use a systematic method for calculating the founder’s pie.
This course is intended as a tool, not as THE “correct solution”, for anyone who is thinking about or is in the process of forming a start-up with others. Deciding and agreeing on how to divide the initial equity pie is no trivial task, but this tool will definitely help get the conversation going on the right path by forcing you and your cofounders to decide on what are the key milestones for your venture and how each of you are going to be making your contributions.
What if your starting a more traditional business?
Whether you’re going for a high growth type of startup or a more traditional startup with known benchmarks for revenue and cash flow, I’ve got you covered.
I’ll explain to you which of the TWO frameworks and tools you should use depending on the type of venture you’re starting up.
Take a look at the preview lectures to check out the calculators in action and you’ll see how they can help you and your cofounders with having a smart and equity conversation about splitting the pie.
Good luck and happy slicing!
Udemy Coupon Code : https://www.udemy.com/founders-pie-calculator/?couponCode=Last_29_Dollar_Deal
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