Udemy – Using OpenGL and SDL in Game and Graphic Programming in C++ [100% off]

Using OpenGL and SDL in Game and Graphic Programming in C++

Course Description

Our objective of this course is to create a game in C++ using SDL and OpenGL and gain a stronger understanding of Object Oriented Programming generally.

We will understand the use of functions like glPushMatrix(), glPopMatrix(), SDL_GL_SwapBuffers() and glBegin() to draw to screen. Students will also be able to handle input from user functions like SDL_PollEvent() and SDL_GetMouseState.

You’ll gain a strong understanding of basic game logic. The end result of this course would be a game similar to Pong. After this course students would also be able to create their own games.

Pre-requisites for this course

Students must have Visual Studio installed on their computers.

Students must have basic knowledge of Object Oriented Programming in C++.


Udemy Coupon Codehttps://www.udemy.com/using-opengl-and-sdl-in-game-and-graphic-programming-in-c/?couponCode=LARGEFREE229




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