Udemy – C# – Advanced Concepts [100% OFF]

This tutorial is targeted for experienced programmers who want to program and apply C# in their applications. It provides practices and real-world performance tips.
It includes curriculum for preparing Microsoft Certification 70-483.
Mr. Sandeep Soni, CEO & Founder of Deccansoft Software Services.
He established Deccansoft Software Services in the year 1997. Deccansoft Training division was started with the vision to impart Quality Software Education to all I.T. aspirants and to bridge the gap between the software industry requirements and the fresh graduates and at affordable fee.
He has over 22 years of Experience in Teaching and Development using Microsoft Technologies. Since 1997, of the total 60,000+ students Deccansoft has trained, he has personally trained over 30,000+ students and we are proud of him because almost every student he had trained is very happy with quality and many are well placed in various I.T Firms. This will also reflect in testimonials on our website.
This course covers the following topics
Collections and Generics
Assemblies and GAC
Exception Handling
IO Streams
Unsafe Code
Reflection And Attributes
More On Classes
New Features
Developing GUI Application Using WinForms
Database Programming Using ADO.NET
Managing Data Using DataSet
N-Tier Layered Architecture Applications
Windows Services
Delegates & Events
Udemy Coupon Code : https://www.udemy.com/c-advanced-concepts/?couponCode=DSSFREE
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