Udemy – Digital Drawing 1: Beginner GIMP: Free GIMP & Budget Tablet [100% OFF]



Welcome to my beginners course on digital drawing using the free GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP).  My name is Brian Jackson and I’m a top rated Udemy instructor of over 38 courses covering a wide range of topics from writing, self-publishing and book covers to 2D animation.

This course provides an introduction to both digital drawing using a tablet and the GIMP program.  Hardware and software usage details are woven throughout lectures on fundamental drawing techniques and example drawing workshops.  Each section concludes with a workshop in which all the previously discussed features are demonstrated followed by a project you can work on independently and submit for review and comment.

In an attempt to get you drawing fast, this course begins with tablet selection and installation and basic GIMP usage.  That’s enough to get you drawing.  Then we’ll add information on using layers, and digital editing.

Unlike other courses, this course assumes no former knowledge, begins at the beginning and teaches you drawing and the software rather than simply having you watch me draw (though you’ll get plenty of that as well).

This course is designed for drawing and illustration enthusiasts who would like to learn how to draw digitally using a tablet and the free GIMP software product (that runs on Windows 10, Mac OS and Linux).  The ideal student is someone new to digital drawing and possibly even drawing itself.  Someone who has an idea trapped inside them that they need to express through a creative medium.

Thanks for your interest in GIMP digital drawing.  I hope you’re excited to get started.  If you are, go ahead and click on the enroll button.  Don’t forget the Udemy 30 day money back guarantee.  This should make your decision an easy one.


Udemy Coupon Code : https://www.udemy.com/easy-digital-art-beginner-drawing-free-gimpbudget-tablet/?couponCode=BBHF13




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