Udemy – Personal Finances with Neelam Dhal CPA, CA, AccFM [100% OFF]


Personal Finances with Neelam Dhal CPA, CA, AccFM

Vital Keys to build your wealth

Neelam Dhall, CPA, CA, AccFM, Divorce Coach, Personal Financial Coach and Author

Neelam Dhall an AccFM (Accredited Family Mediator) with over 21 years of experience in Finance, Contract Negotiation and Contract Management.  She is well-versed in the complexities of separation/divorce, from dealing with parenting plans to dealing with the financial aspects of divorce to navigating the stressful process of preparing for and attending court.


Neelam is well-respected for her compassionate, calm approach and her eye for detail.  She has an exceptional ability to provide clarity and direction in a supportive, comfortable and neutral environment. Neelam’s finance background enables her to mediate and assist you with resolving your divorce-related financial issues in a highly effective manner.  Her ability to mediate all matters in a divorce allows you to resolve your issues efficiently and cost-effectively with one person.

Having been through her own divorce, she understands the turmoil and stress that are brought on by divorce. She understands the complexities and emotions involved in creating parenting plans and dealing with the financial implications of divorce.  She is passionate about helping families resolve their disputes in a less stressful and less costly manner and finds it very rewarding to help her clients restore peace in their lives.

Most people don’t plan to fail,

They fail to plan.


Udemy Coupon Code : https://www.udemy.com/finances-neelam-dhal/?couponCode=DHALLFINANCIAL




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