Udemy – Super Manager [100% OFF]

Are you a hope-to-be-some-day people manager? Or a recently promoted people manager? Or managed people for some time and feel like the “people” part still eludes you?
Are you an executive, HR, OD or learning and development manager or professional looking for solutions for you people managers and to build a stronger, more ready bench of leaders?
Did you know only 1 in 10 people possess the natural ability to be a people manager?
Most organizations do not invest nearly enough in their people manager’s development.
Its is absolutely true that managers matter. As a matter of fact, our relationship with our manager is second in impact in our lives only to that of our spouses and children!
Google did one of the most extensive internal studies on managers and found that they were definitely valuable. As a matter of fact, managers were the leading factor in employees satisfactionwith the company overall!
This course shares Google’s findings and then goes in depth on the skills of what they found make people managers into Super Managers.
What makes it different? Based in thorough research, years of experience, comprehensively covers all the topics necessary for a manager to succeed in leading their people.
Shared in a interactive, approachable way with only the time necessary. Includes assessments, questionnaires and other materials and resources for those interested in diving deeper.
Let’s make work better, more fulfilling, fun and high-performing by making people managers into Super Managers! Join me!
Udemy Coupon Code : https://www.udemy.com/supermanager/?couponCode=SUPERMANAGERFREE
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